funded by the European Commission (REA) under MSCA-PF actions

Project CALIOPE (Creativity And Learning: Interactive Opus for Piano Education) wishes to offer a novel, personalized learning experience for piano beginners.

Our idea is simple: every learner is different, so every student deserves different exercises. With the help of Artificial Intelligence, we believe that it is possible to provide tailored exercises to every beginner musician.

And the teachers? They are the ones that really know what the student needs: with CALIOPE, the teachers will be empowered by AI to provide the best exercises to their students, saving time and money on method books, and avoiding the frustration of not finding learning material of the right difficulty for each student.

latest posts

Jul 29, 2024 A Week in Dagstuhl
May 16, 2024 Who Am I?
Apr 10, 2024 Hello World!

selected publications

  1. Interactive Generation of Musical Corpora for Piano Education: Opportunities and Open Challenges
    F. Carnovalini, A. Rodà , and G.A. Wiggins
    CSEDU, 2023