Hello World!

Hello World!

It’s always hard to choose the starting words for something you write, be it a new book, a website, or a blog. Unless you are a computer scientist, in which case you will probably start with the usual, “Hello World!”.

And I really want to say hello to the whole world, as we launch the website for Project CALIOPE. Sure, it’s a bit empty right now, but it’s good to have a little place on the internet to call a home for the project. And I’ll try to keep this home as cozy and tidy as possible: by posting frequent updates here on the blog, by notifying every new publication and milestone, and by making sure that I always check if anyone interacts with the site (by the way, feel free to comment below!)

Want to know more about CALIOPE? You could start by giving a look at the homepage, or you could even read the paper we wrote about the project before it even began (we like to always be one step ahead!), but in a nutshell here is what we are trying to do: we want to create a system that can create exercises to learn the piano that are personalized to each teacher and student that use it. Your own little exercise, created just for you, to make sure that you learn what your teacher wants you to learn this week. Artificial Intelligence is obviously going to play a role in here: understanding what the teacher wants you to learn, and then creating the exercise based on your proficiency level.

It’s not going to be easy! But I really hope to be able to help shape a future in which music education embraces computing technologies, while keeping the (human) student-teacher interaction and at the heart of it.

Ad maiora!
- Filippo Carnovalini